
Welcome to Historical Interpretations.
The site is under development and will evolve as with corse corrections as I complete additional postgraduate work and progress professionally. At present, I have three outlets for my work as a historian, personal research, contract research & consulting, and documentary filmmaking, each with its own development path.

Personal Research

Professional Development, Publication, and Research
With the completion of a master’s in history, and pending completion of a master’s in public history, I am embarking on the next phase of my academic journey as a student, the doctoral phase, I am also hopping to flex my teaching muscles as a doctoral student. This phase will require that most of my energy be focused on academic pursuits in progress. That being said, I will be setting up the foundations for future academic research, publication, and family genealogical endevors. The next phase will be post-doctoral.

Contract Research & Consulting

Historian, Curation & Exhibits, Digital Collections, Documentary Filmmaking
While still focused on my Ph.D., contract work will be kept to the back burner. This will be brought forward post-doctoral. During the doctoral process I will be working on professional development portfolio projects and publications, this may include contract projects as time allows.